Business confidence fluctuates Leaders upbeat but cautious in 2023


Business leaders, in response to fluctuating confidence indices, expressed caution and optimism for 2023. They expect the economy to slow, but not to the degree where it falls into recession. Confidence rose 1.8 per cent for consumers, but dipped 1.8 percent for businesses in the December 2022 fourth quarter, compared

Business confidence fluctuates Leaders upbeat but cautious in 20232023-01-19T17:35:03+00:00

Evil’…Finance Minister shocked by alleged multimillion-dollar fraud at SSL


Finance Minister Dr Nigel Clarke says he shares the profound level of anger and disgust expressed by Jamaicans at the alleged multimillion-dollar fraud that has been uncovered at investment firm Stocks and Securities Limited (SSL). In a statement today, Clarke characterised the situation as alarming and evil. Last week, SSL disclosed

Evil’…Finance Minister shocked by alleged multimillion-dollar fraud at SSL2023-01-19T17:26:39+00:00

Securities dealers association concerned about employee fraud


he Jamaica Securities Dealers Association (JSDA) says it is deeply concerned about the recent incidents of employee fraud within the industry. The association argues that these occurrences have implications for reputational risks and confidence erosion. While noting that it cannot speak on cases under investigation in order not to prejudice

Securities dealers association concerned about employee fraud2023-01-19T17:18:37+00:00

Corporate Hands | IAJ treats west Kingston school Corporate Hands | IAJ treats west Kingston school


Orville Johnson (left), executive director of the Insurance Association of Jamaica (IAJ); Veronica Sewell-Morgan (second left); Sheraley Bridgeman, chairman, IAJ Public Relations Committee and vice-president of business development and marketing, Guardian General Insurance; and Jessica Knight (right), IAJ PR Committee member, present gifts to children of Charles Chin Loy Basic

Corporate Hands | IAJ treats west Kingston school Corporate Hands | IAJ treats west Kingston school2023-01-12T17:12:12+00:00

Oh I believe I can fly (Woo)


As we ease into 2023, the Jamaica Observer Business Desk harks back to 2022 and has compiled some noteworthy moments that made it the year it turned out to be. 1) BOJ raises interest rates to 11–year high – In response to inflation continuing to surpass its target range of

Oh I believe I can fly (Woo)2023-01-12T16:51:14+00:00

World Bank: Recession a looming threat for global economy


The global economy will come “perilously close” to a recession this year, led by weaker growth in all the world’s top economies — the United States, Europe and China – the World Bank warned on Tuesday. In an annual report, the World Bank, which lends money to poorer countries for

World Bank: Recession a looming threat for global economy2023-01-12T06:23:35+00:00

Mobile version Subscribe to this feed Join us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Draft NIDS regulations tabled in parliament


Draft regulations governing the establishment of the National Identification System (NIDS) were tabled in the House of Representatives today. Minister without Portfolio in the Office of the Prime Minister, Floyd Green, said NIDS is intended to make the lives of Jamaicans easier and easier for persons to do business in

Mobile version Subscribe to this feed Join us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Draft NIDS regulations tabled in parliament2023-01-12T06:16:32+00:00

Why you need LinkedIn to grow your business in 2023


"LinkedIn?... You mean the job posting site?" If that was your initial thought when you read the headline, you wouldn't be wrong but you would be outdated in your thoughts about LinkedIn. The platform has grown tremendously from its days of just being the place to go to look for

Why you need LinkedIn to grow your business in 20232023-01-12T06:10:05+00:00

Public sector pension fund yet to be set up


n September 2017 the Jamaican Senate passed the Pensions (Public Service) Act of 2017 and the Constitution (Amendment) (Establishment Fund) (Payment of Pensions) Act of 2017 under which pensionable officers were required to contribute five per cent of salary towards a pension. Today deductions still flow freely into and out

Public sector pension fund yet to be set up2023-01-07T23:03:29+00:00
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