An executor’s guide


The executor of an estate is the person named in the last will and testament of the deceased entrusted to carry out the wishes of the deceased as specified in their will. The executor of an estate is charged with the duty to faithfully administer the estate according to law

An executor’s guide2023-04-26T14:25:11+00:00

Mobile version Subscribe to this feed Join us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Oran A. Hall | Good and bad of share buybacks


THERE IS always something happening on the stock exchange. The market is soft, but perhaps because of it, to some extent, some listed companies are buying back their shares from investors, and it seems more positive than negative. The GraceKennedy Group announced last month its intention to implement a share

Mobile version Subscribe to this feed Join us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Oran A. Hall | Good and bad of share buybacks2023-04-26T14:12:57+00:00

Canopy makes $2.7 billion in revenue on path to profit


Don Wehby CANOPY INSURANCE Limited aims to make its first profit in 2023 following its $2.7 billion revenue haul last year. It would represent a milestone for the health and life insurance start-up that began booking revenue in 2018. The entity continues to..

Canopy makes $2.7 billion in revenue on path to profit2023-04-26T14:03:13+00:00

Navigating economic uncertainty with bonds


fixed-income securities such as bonds to protect their investments. This is because bonds are considered safer investment options that provides stable returns, especially during a recession. In this article we will explore why bonds perform well during a recession and the factors that contribute to their success. fixed-income securities such

Navigating economic uncertainty with bonds2023-04-26T13:54:36+00:00

US$2-b fuel bill stokes record trade deficit


JAMAICA'S trade deficit touched a record US$5.4 billion over the first 11 months of 2022 as the Russia-Ukraine war, which sent oil and gas prices spiralling last year, pushed up the cost of fuel imports into the country to almost double that from the prior year. The Statistical Institute of

US$2-b fuel bill stokes record trade deficit2023-04-14T13:20:24+00:00

BOJ establishes ‘twin peaks’ committee


THE Bank of Jamaica (BOJ) has indicated that credit unions will finally fall within the ambits of its regulation when the supervision structure for the nation's financial sector is transitioned from sector-by-sector regulation to a "twin peaks" regulation model. The transition towards a twin peaks supervisory model for the financial

BOJ establishes ‘twin peaks’ committee2023-04-14T13:12:20+00:00



THE AVERAGE CLAUSE As the 2023 Hurricane Season approaches, it is important to remember the AVERAGE CLAUSE  as it applies to Coverage. AVERAGE CLAUSE EXPLAINED 2021

THE AVERAGE CLAUSE2023-04-14T12:58:12+00:00

Below-average Atlantic hurricane season predicted


For the first time in almost a decade, meteorologists at Colorado State University (CSU) in the United States are predicting a relatively quiet Atlantic hurricane season this year. But they are cautioning that “there is more uncertainty than normal with this outlook”. Research scientist Philip Klotzbach and his team at

Below-average Atlantic hurricane season predicted2023-04-14T12:50:21+00:00



Aubyn Hill. (Photo: Joseph Wellington) Minister of Industry, Investment and Commerce Aubyn Hill is calling on Jamaican employers to pay their employees better as part of efforts to stem the migration of skilled labour and to attract and keep workers to avert a crisis that is threatening continued economic growth.

PAY BETTER2023-04-11T16:46:34+00:00
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