The Statistical Institute of Jamaica (STATIN) is reporting third-quarter calendar year growth of 5.8 per cent for July to September 2021, compared to the corresponding period in 2020.

In a statement on Friday (December 31), STATIN said the outturn was attributable to growth in the services and goods-producing industries, up 7.1 and 2.4 per cent, respectively.

The institute noted that growth in the services industry was spurred by improvements in all eight subsectors, led by hotels and restaurants, which recorded a huge 114.6 per cent increase.

Significant outturns were also recorded by ‘other services’, up 12.2 per cent; transport, storage, and communication, up 8.8 per cent; wholesale and retail trade, repairs, installation of machinery and equipment, up 4.4 per cent; and finance and insurance services, up 2.3 per cent.

Real estate, renting, and business activities, up 0.7 per cent; electricity and water supply, up 0.6 per cent; and producers of government services, up 0.4 per cent, round out the group.


Three of the four goods-producing industries recorded growth, with agriculture, forestry, and fishing (7.3 per cent) topping the lis