AMID continued COVID-19 restrictions and other challenges in the local and global environment, the Planning Institute of Jamaica (PIOJ) reported 4.4 per cent growth for the economy between January to December of last year relative to the previous year.

The entity, in presenting the preliminary estimates at a quarterly briefing held Wednesday, said that a similar 4.4 per cent growth in both the goods producing and services industries following facilitated higher real value added in sectoral gross domestic product (GDP) out-turns.


“All industries recorded growth in output with the exception of the mining and quarrying industry (largely affected by a closure of the Jamalco alumina plant after a fire last year). Growth during 2021 was led by hotels and restaurants up 36.4 per cent, construction up 9.1 per cent, agriculture up 7.9 per cent and wholesale and retail trade up 6.6 per cent,” said Wayne Henry, director general of the PIOJ, in a presentation of the estimates.