BY KEITH COLLISTER  Wednesday, June 03, 2015

HAVANA, Cuba — Tourists enjoy cigars, mojitos and live music at the Bodeguita del Medio Bar, frequented by the late American novelist Ernest Hemingway in Old Havana, Cuba on May 24th. The thaw in relations between the U.S. and Cuba has led to a dramatic 36 percent increase in visits by Americans to Cuba since January compared to the same period last year, along with a 14 percent rise in arrivals from around the world. (PHOTO: AP)

Last week Thursday, Jamaica received the unambiguously positive news that the world’s second largest international rating agency, Moody’s, had upgraded Jamaica to Caa2 from Caa3. Moody’s decision was driven by what they called Jamaica’s fiscal consolidation, strong commitment to structural reforms (through the IMF supported programme), improving balance of payments position and reduced external vulnerabilities.–_19065656