July 15, 2015

The all Jamaica ‘All Divisions’ Consumer Price Index for June 2015 was 225.3. This represented an

inflation rate of 0.5 per cent when the index for June is compared to May 2015. The index for the

heaviest weighted division, ‘Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages’ moved upward by 0.4 per cent.

Mainly influencing this division were higher prices for ‘Fruit and ‘Vegetables’ of 2.2 per cent and 1.6

per cent respectively. However these movements were mitigated by lower prices for ‘Starchy Foods’

of -0.6 per cent. Also impacting the inflation for June were advances in the index for the divisions

‘Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas and other Fuels’ and Miscellaneous Goods and Services’ of 1.2 per

cent and 0.8 per cent respectively, contributing to the increase in the division ‘Housing Water,

Electricity, Gas and Other Fuels’ were higher rates for electricity, water and sewage, while the

Miscellaneous Goods and Services division was impacted by an increase in fees for passports.

The Calendar year-to-date inflation rate was 0.5 per cent while the fiscal year-to-date and point-topoint

rates were 1.2 and 4.4 per cent respectively. The end of the second quarter compared to the first

quarter 2015 the point-to-point inflation rate for all Jamaica ‘All Divisions’ CPI was 1.2 per cent.

The other divisions that recorded increases in the All Jamaica ‘All Divisions’ index were: ‘Alcoholic

Beverages and Tobacco’ by 0.6 per cent, ‘Clothing and Footwear’ by 0.2 per cent, ‘Furnishings,

Household Equipment and Routine Household Maintenance’ 0.4 per cent, ‘Health’ by 0.1 per cent,

‘Transport’ by 0.3 per cent and ‘Recreation and Culture’0.1, ‘Restaurants and Accommodation

Services’ 0.1 per cent. No movement was recorded for ‘Communication’ and ‘Education’.

The regional index showed upward movements for all three regions: Greater Kingston Metropolitan

Area up by 0.6 per cent, Other Urban Areas up by 0.5 per cent and Rural Areas up 0.3 per cent.

The Consumer Price index Bulletin June 2015 further outlines additional information and may

be obtained from the Information Section of the Statistical Institute of Jamaica, 7 Cecelio

Avenue, Kingston. CPI data are also published on the STATIN website at www.statinja.gov.jm
