AN executive profile in health is a comprehensive medical evaluation that includes a detailed, head-to-toe examination and a battery of investigations. Dr Jomo James, internist, told All Woman that the suitability is often based on a person’s age, sex, family history, lifestyle, and other risk factors.

“The term executive is a misnomer in that due to the high cost of the medical evaluation, it was often thought that an executive profile only targets working professionals. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The executive only means the highly detailed, world-class, evidence-based service with prudent attention paid to a one-on-one medical evaluation.”

Dr James said another inaccurate interpretation of an executive profile is that it only involves blood tests or investigations. Rather, he said, a detailed executive, to be complete, must include a physical examination and a medical history.

The internist explained that the executive profile serves three main purposes:

1. As a screening tool in discovering potential health problems (mainly the “big” four — diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, which are themselves gateway to bigger health issues, and common cancers). It is also serves as a baseline to compare subsequent tests.

2. As a vehicle to target, reduce and eliminate medical risk factors, including risk behaviours.

3. As an opportunity by health professionals for health education, promotion and counselling.

Dr James said, as with everything in medicine, an executive profile begins with a medical history whereby the doctor takes information on your past medical issues, lifestyle and family health problems that might be passed on.