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So far myiaj_admin has created 11 blog entries.

Review of Economic Performance October – December 2018


 The PIOJ presents preliminary estimates on economic performance for each quarter, approximately 6 weeks following the end of the quarter being reviewed. This is based on preliminary information available from the major data providers. This release of the preliminary estimate is consistent with developments in all modern economies globally, where

Review of Economic Performance October – December 20182019-04-01T23:54:02+00:00

42% return on the local stock exchange — Street Forrest


With investors earning on average of 42 per cent return on the capital market since 2013, Managing Director of the Jamaica Stock Exchange, Marlene Street Forrest believes that the decision on whether one should put their money in a savings account or invest in the capital market has

42% return on the local stock exchange — Street Forrest2019-02-10T23:49:00+00:00

42% return on the local stock exchange — Street Forrest


AWith investors earning on average of 42 per cent return on the capital market since 2013, Managing Director of the Jamaica Stock Exchange, Marlene Street Forrest believes that the decision on whether one should put their money in a savings account or invest in the capital market has been

42% return on the local stock exchange — Street Forrest2019-02-10T23:11:04+00:00

IAJ Annual Christmas Treat for CHIN LOY BASIC SCHOOL


The Insurance Association of Jamaica (IAJ) held its usual Annual Christmas Treat for children of the Chin Loy Basic School in Western Kingston.  Orville Johnson, OJ, Executive Director of IAJ interacts with some students of the school while Principal of the school  Veronica Sewell-Morgan looks on.

IAJ Annual Christmas Treat for CHIN LOY BASIC SCHOOL2019-03-23T05:15:45+00:00

KPH Health Fair strongly supported by IAJ and JMF


The Kingston Public Hospital Health Fair held on December 1, 2018, was strongly supported by the Insurance Association of Jamaica (IAJ) and the Jamaica Medical Foundation (JMF). A large number of persons attended the fair where they received free examinations. The KPH had a number of examination facilities in

KPH Health Fair strongly supported by IAJ and JMF2019-03-23T04:01:04+00:00

Know your health status for Christmas – Johnson


Nurse Crystal Gayle conducts pressure and blood sugar tests on Margerett Grove. Observing are, from left: Orville Johnson, executive director, Insurance Association of Jamaica; Joan Walker Nicholson, director of Nursing Service at the Kingston Public Hospital (KPH), and Dr. Natalie Whylie, senior medical officer at KPH. They were at

Know your health status for Christmas – Johnson2019-03-23T04:24:27+00:00

Image Optimization For Your Site


ALorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In et scelerisque sem. Nunc molestie neque augue, at gravida mi blandit eget. Aenean eu augue id lacus eleifend interdum. Cras sit amet metus sit amet velit lacinia ullamcorper. Nam facilisis a orci quis tempus. Vivamus id odio justo. Curabitur ut

Image Optimization For Your Site2017-11-01T01:29:52+00:00

Seo For Small Business


ALorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In et scelerisque sem. Nunc molestie neque augue, at gravida mi blandit eget. Aenean eu augue id lacus eleifend interdum. Cras sit amet metus sit amet velit lacinia ullamcorper. Nam facilisis a orci quis tempus. Vivamus id odio justo. Curabitur ut

Seo For Small Business2017-11-01T01:29:17+00:00

How Grammar Impact Your SEO


ALorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In et scelerisque sem. Nunc molestie neque augue, at gravida mi blandit eget. Aenean eu augue id lacus eleifend interdum. Cras sit amet metus sit amet velit lacinia ullamcorper. Nam facilisis a orci quis tempus. Vivamus id odio justo. Curabitur ut

How Grammar Impact Your SEO2017-11-01T01:28:54+00:00