IAJ Business Conference

Jamaica Pegasus Ballroom

September 11-12, 2024

Navigating Risks in the 21st Century
Artificial Intelligence, Climate Change and Fraud.

A Conference for Policymakers, Business Leaders, Insurance Executives, Staff of the Insurance Industry, Partners, and the General Public

Day 1 Time Theme Speaker/s
9:00am National Anthem

Welcome and Opening Remarks

Mrs. Sharon Donaldson

President, IAJ

9:20am Opening Address Mr. Richard Byles

Governor, Bank of Jamaica

Keynote Opening Speaker

9:45am Fraud Risks: How Technology Can Help


(Moderator IAJ

Rep) tbc

Major Basil Jarrett, Director of Communications, MOCA (tbd)

Dr. Opal Donaldson-Cross

Assistant Vice President Data & Analytics, Sagicor Group Jamaica Limited (confirmed)

Mr. David McKay (CEO, MSC McKay) confirmed

10:30am Coffee Break
10:45am Artificial Intelligence: Gateway Efficiency or Dire Threat? (The Ballroom)

Workshop: The Insurance Bond

(Rio Bueno) Closed Session for MBA and JIE

Mr. Christopher Reckord:

Private Sector Organization

of Jamaica (PSOJ) Lead for

IT, Chair of the National AI

Task Force, Chair of the

Data Protection Oversight

Committee and Member of

the digital transformation

Advisory Council (confirmed)

Symptai Rep (tbd)

IAJ Tech Experts/Reps from

Tech Committee (tbd)

Moderator: Mr. Errol Barnes, Chair, IAJ IT Committee, and IT Consultant (confirmed)

Masterbuilders Association and Jamaica Institute of Engineers Reps (tbc)

12 noon Lunch -Ballroom

Clearing the Myth on the Twin Peak (Closed Luncheon Session with Richard Byles, BOJ Governor, and IAJ and FSC Executives (Rio Bueno))

1:00pm Future-proofing Pensions: Navigating the AI Revolution

The Greying of Jamaica: Pension and Health Risks and Solutions

Mr. Willard Brown, Sagicor Senior VP (Moderator) Confirmed

Ms. Sanya Goffe, President of

Pension Industry

Association of Jamaica

(PIAJ) (confirmed)

MD (tbc)

Ms. Racquel Nevins

Area Vice President

Gallagher Insurance Brokers Jamaica Limited (confirmed)

2:30pm Coffee Break
2:45pm Data Privacy Roundtable -Challenges and Solutions Ms.Celia Barclay

Information Commissioner (TBC)

Ms. Grace Lindo

DPA Lawyer (confirmed)

Mr. Ben Rapp

International Privacy Consultant

Securys Ltd ( Privacy Consultants) (confirmed)

Moderator-Ms Rosemarie Henry, IAJ Vice President (TBC) Change to Stuart

3:45pm Wellness Zone

The Secret of Success

How to combat stress and anxiety, handle negative emotions and conflicts, and improve health and wellness

Transformative Masterclass on

Meditation and Mindfulness

Light entertainment- Insurance Trivia Prizes and Surprises

Mr. Dushyant Savadia

Art of Living

Sagicor and Guardian Insurance Lifestyle Reps) tbc

Moderator TBC

4:20pm-4:30pm Closing Remarks IAJ Rep
Day 2



Video reel: “Wild Gilbert”

8:40am Hot New World: The Climate Crisis and the Caribbean

Climate Change and Catastrophic

Insurance: The Way Forward for Health

and Peril Insurance

Climate Crisis Made Simple:

Why do we Build and Where: Disaster Resilience and Planning?

Keynote Opening Speaker:

Dr. The Honourable Nigel Clarke, Minister of Finance

and the Public Service (confirmed)

H.E. Kishan Khoday,

UNDP’s Resident

Representative for the

Bahamas, Belize, and Bermuda

Cayman Islands, Jamaica

and Turks and Caicos (confirmed)

Mr. Isaac Anthony, CEO, CRIF


Mr. John Plevin

Senior Financial Sector Specialist

The World Bank (confirmed)

Professor Michael Taylor, Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology, UWI (confirmed)

Mr. Richard Thompson, Actg

Director General, ODPEM (tbc)

Or Jamaica Institute of Engineers and MasterBuilders Assn

10:15am Coffee Break
10:30am The Reinsurance – The Average Clause and Catastrophe Excess Reinsurer from Miami USA et al


11:15am Everybody hates Insurance Companies: Do we deserve this? Client Testimonials (WISYNCO) And one other -critical illness testimonial from client of Guardian Insurance) tbd
12 noon Lunch and Closing
12:45pm -1pm Closing Remarks IAJ Rep