Gross Premiums for 2015 were $32B, 8.5%
more than the $29.5B reported in 2014.
New Annualized Premiums for Individual Life for
the year was $4.9B. This represented an
improvement of 6.8% on the annual premiums
recorded in 2014. Sums assured for 2015 were
$181.2B 8% more than 2014. These increases
came despite the fact that the number of sales
representatives fell to 760 in 2015 a reduction of
6% relative to 2014. The number of policies sold
in 2015, 99,853 policies were up 1.4% on the
amount sold in 2014. The policies involved
were: Whole Life, Term, Personal Accident,
Critical Illness, Annuities, Universal Life, Interest
– sensitive and Equity-Linked and Individual


Gross Premiums
Gross Premiums for 2015 were $37.5 B ,
9.9% higher than $34.1B recorded in 2014.
The lion’s share , 42% of the premiums came
from the motor business,32% from
commercial property business while
residential property amounted to 11%.
