After you’ve got your feet wet and you’ve been investing for a bit, chances are you’ll be interested in ways to get better at it. One way that’s been shown to work is to benefit from the expertise of others. Of course, you can find a team to professionally manage your portfolio. But if you’re interested in more autonomy or just want a better understanding of the markets and how to make strategic decisions, an investment mentor is usually a good bet. It’s the difference between getting the fish and learning how to fish, which, as you might imagine, can have long-term positive effects on your earning potential.

Just as professional athletes have a coach to help them optimise their performance, so too does an investment mentor provide guidance and expertise to help investors achieve more. Your mentor could be a professor, acquaintance, family member, or an investment support group. The idea is to choose someone who has demonstrated knowledge in the area and enough experience to have seen a variety of market conditions and scenarios.