Richard Byles holds his Hall of Fame citation with his wife Jacinth at the Jamaica Pegasus on Monday. (Photo: Naphtali Junior)
Richard Byles, chairman of Sagicor Group Jamaica and of Red Stripe, was inducted into the Private Sector Organisation of Jamaica’s (PSOJ) Hall of Fame on Monday, in a glitzy affair attended by some 500 guests at the Jamaica Pegasus hotel in New Kingston.
Byles, who was recognised for his contribution to insurance, finance, trade, philanthropy, tourism and youth development, came in for some signifiant praise from PSOJ President P B Scott.
“Richard is a man of integrity. I know from my own personal dealings with him that he does what is right. His moral compass is strong. Literally, he is someone you could trust your pension with,” Scott said, adding Byles is a “very smart person”.
In 2016 Sagicor Jamaica increased its return on equity by 20 per cent and $11 billion in profit, a performance that was “simply phenomenal” Scott said.
Byles is the 25th person to be inducted to the prestigious PSOJ Hall of Fame. The honour goes to business leaders who have dedicated their lives to the development and advancement of the private sector and Jamaica.
“Richard, you are an inspiration to all Jamaicans,” Scott said. “As a nation we have a lot to thank Richard for,” he added.
The Economic Programme Oversight Committeed (EPOC), which Byles co-chaired from its inception with Bank of Jamaica Governor Brian Wynter, was a prime example. “We can all agree that Jamaica is on a better path today, and we thank him,” Scott said.
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