Five-time cancer survivor Pat Wright (left) signs a copy of her book The Wright Life for Candice McLeod (left), while Sasheena Gobay anxiously awaits her turn during the launch of the book at the WrightLife Live Food Eatery in Fairview, Montego Bay, last week Tuesday. (Photos: Philp Lemonte)
MONTEGO BAY, St James — After years of pondering about publishing her life story, fashion designer, restaurant owner, cancer survivor and now author, Donna “Pat” Wright, celebrated her debut novel, The Wright Life at her book launch party at the WrightLife Live Food Eatery in Fairview, Montego Bay, last week Tuesday.
The three-hour event which saw a number of Wright’s friends, well-wishers and business associates in attendance, featured book signing by Wright, as well as remarks by inspirational speaker Marvin Hall, the founder of Hall of Learning, and an interactive session.
Food tastings were also in the mix, courtesy of WrightLife Live Food Eatery, the restaurant owned and managed by Wright.
Wright, at the age of 24 years, had her very first encounter with the deadly disease and has fought and overcame the battle five times since. She is also famously known for her work as the designer of WrightStyle, a fashion line established in 1991.
Her pieces are available at Schatzie Boutique in Fairview, Montego Bay, as well as at the Round Hill and Tryall boutiques.
During the event, guests also got a chance to purchase copies of the inspirational book, and many engaged Wright in conversation about her life journey and shared insights on her philosophy of a healthy lifestyle.
Wright was pleased with the outcome of the event.
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